Przeciwciała przeciwko dekarboksylazie glutaminianowej w surowicy

Przewidywanie ciężkości COVID-19 za pomocą swoistego przeciwciała nukleokapsydowego i wskaźnika czynnika ryzyka choroby

Steidzami nepieciešamas efektīvas metodes COVID-19 slimības trajektoriju prognozēšanai. Šeit ar enzīmu saistītu imūnsorbentu testu (ELISA) un koronavīrusa antigēna mikroelementu (COVAM) analīze uzrādīja antivielu epitopus COVID-19 pacientu (n = 86) plazmā, kuriem bija plašs slimību stāvoklis. Eksperimentos tika identificētas antivielas pret 21 atlikuma epitopu no nukleokapsīda (saukts par Ep9), kas saistīts ar smagu slimību, ieskaitot uzņemšanu intensīvās terapijas nodaļā (ICU), nepieciešamību pēc ventilatoriem vai nāvi.

Svarīgi, ka anti-Ep9 antivielas var noteikt 6 dienu laikā pēc simptomu parādīšanās un dažreiz 1 dienas laikā. Turklāt anti-Ep9 antivielas korelē ar dažādām blakusslimībām un imūnās hiperaktivitātes pazīmēm. Mēs ieviešam vienkārši aprēķināmu slimības riska faktora rādītāju, lai aprēķinātu katra pacienta blakusslimības un vecumu. Pacientiem ar anti-Ep9 antivielām rādītāji virs 3,Zero paredz smagākus slimības iznākumus ar 13,42 varbūtības koeficientu (96,7% specifiskumu).

Rezultāti ir pamats jauna veida COVID-19 prognostikai, lai ļautu agri identificēt un šķirot augsta riska pacientus. Šāda informācija varētu palīdzēt efektīvākai terapeitiskai iejaukšanai. SVARĪBA COVID-19 pandēmija ir izraisījusi vairāk nekā divus miljonus nāves gadījumu visā pasaulē. Neskatoties uz centieniem cīnīties ar vīrusu, šī slimība joprojām pārņem slimnīcas ar smagi slimiem pacientiem.

COVID-19 diagnostiku var viegli veikt, izmantojot daudzas uzticamas testēšanas platformas; tomēr prognostiskā prognozēšana joprojām ir nenotverama. Šajā nolūkā mēs identificējām īsu epitopu no SARS-CoV-2 nukleokapsīda proteīna, kā arī slimības riska faktora rādītāju, pamatojoties uz blakusslimībām un vecumu. Antivielu klātbūtne, kas specifiski saistās ar šo epitopu, kā arī vērtējuma robežvērtība var paredzēt smagus COVID-19 rezultātus ar 96,7% specifiskumu.

Związek między poziomami alarmin w surowicy a wskaźnikami specyficznymi dla choroby u pacjentów z zapaleniem naczyń związanym z cytoplazmatycznymi przeciwciałami przeciw neutrofilom

Priekšvēsture / mērķis: Mēs novērtējām sakarību starp seruma alarmīna līmeni un slimības specifiskajiem rādītājiem pacientiem ar anti-neitrofilo citoplazmas antivielu (ANCA) saistīto vaskulītu (AAV).

Pacienti un metodes: Tika izmantoti serumi un dati par 79 pacientiem. AAV specifiskajiem indeksiem tika savākts Birmingemas vaskulīta aktivitātes rādītājs (BVAS), piecu faktoru rādītājs (FFS) un vaskulīta bojājuma indekss (VDI), kā arī četru alarmīnu līmenis (hepatomas atvasināts augšanas faktors, augstas mobilitātes grupas 1. proteīns) , S100A9 un S100A12) tika mērīti, izmantojot ar enzīmu saistītu imūnsorbentu testu. Tika novērtētas asociācijas starp alarminu līmeni, AAV specifiskajiem indeksiem un iekaisuma laboratorijas marķieriem.

Rezultāti: S100A9 līmenis būtiski korelēja ar C-reaktīvo olbaltumvielu līmeni (r = 0,316, p = 0,005) un S100A12 līmenis korelēja ar VDI (r = 0,232, p = 0,040), kas bija konsekventa pacientu apakšgrupā ar mieloperoksidāzi (perinukleārā) ) -ANCA pozitivitāte. Citas asociācijas starp alarminu līmeni un BVAS, FFS un VDI netika atrastas.

Secinājums: seruma S100A12 līmenis bija saistīts ar orgānu bojājumiem AAV, īpaši mieloperoksidāzes (perinukleārās) -ANCA pozitīviem pacientiem.


IGF-BP4 Recombinant Protein

40-318-002mg 0.02 mg
EUR 437.1
Description: IGF-BPs control the distribution, function and activity of IGFs in various cell tissues and body fluids. IGF-BP4 is the major IGF-BP produced by osteoblasts, and is also found in the epidermis, ovarian follicles, and other tissues. IGF-BP4 inhibits the activity of IGF-I and IGF-II by binding in a manner that results in the formation of complexes with reduced ability to signal through cell surface IGF receptors. IGF-BP4 can inhibit the growth of chick pelvis cartilage and HT29 colon adenocarcinoma cells by blocking the mitogenic actions of IGFs, and has also been shown to reduce colony formation by colorectal cancer cells via an IGF independent pathway. The biological effects of IGF-BP4 can be regulated by Pregnancy Associated Plasma Protein A (PAPP-A), which reduces IGF-BP4/IGF binding affinity by proteolytically cleaving IGF-BP4. The modulation of IGF-BP4 activity by PAPP-A is an important component in the regulation of ovarian folliculogenesis and in the growth inhibition of responding ovarian cancer cells. Recombinant human IGF-BP4 is a 25.8 kDa protein consisting of 237 amino acid residues including the IGF-BP domain and thyroglobulin type-I domain.

Recombinant Human IGF BP3

HEGFP-0903 5ug Ask for price

Recombinant Human IGF BP5

HEGFP-0905 5ug Ask for price

Recombinant Human IGF BP7

HEGFP-0907 5ug Ask for price

human anti-human IGF-1 mAb(6E)

E4A09K04-6E 50ug
EUR 275
Description: Biotin-Conjugated, FITC-Conjugated , AF350 Conjugated , AF405M-Conjugated ,AF488-Conjugated, AF514-Conjugated ,AF532-Conjugated, AF555-Conjugated ,AF568-Conjugated , HRP-Conjugated, AF405S-Conjugated, AF405L-Conjugated , AF546-Conjugated, AF594-Conjugated , AF610-Conjugated, AF635-Conjugated , AF647-Conjugated , AF680-Conjugated , AF700-Conjugated , AF750-Conjugated , AF790-Conjugated , APC-Conjugated , PE-Conjugated , Cy3-Conjugated , Cy5-Conjugated , Cy5.5-Conjugated , Cy7-Conjugated Antibody

human anti-human IGF-1 mAb(8D)

E4A09K04-8D 50ug
EUR 275
Description: Biotin-Conjugated, FITC-Conjugated , AF350 Conjugated , AF405M-Conjugated ,AF488-Conjugated, AF514-Conjugated ,AF532-Conjugated, AF555-Conjugated ,AF568-Conjugated , HRP-Conjugated, AF405S-Conjugated, AF405L-Conjugated , AF546-Conjugated, AF594-Conjugated , AF610-Conjugated, AF635-Conjugated , AF647-Conjugated , AF680-Conjugated , AF700-Conjugated , AF750-Conjugated , AF790-Conjugated , APC-Conjugated , PE-Conjugated , Cy3-Conjugated , Cy5-Conjugated , Cy5.5-Conjugated , Cy7-Conjugated Antibody

IGF BP3 antibody

70R-IR022 50 ug
EUR 312
Description: Affinity purified Rabbit polyclonal IGF BP3 antibody

IGF BP5 antibody

70R-IR023 50 ug
EUR 312
Description: Affinity purified Rabbit polyclonal IGF BP5 antibody

IGF BP7 antibody

70R-IR024 50 ug
EUR 312
Description: Affinity purified Rabbit polyclonal IGF BP7 antibody

Anti-Human IGF-BP3 Antibody

102-P144 100 µg
EUR 245.7
Description: The superfamily of insulin-like growth factor (IGF) binding proteins include the six high-affinity IGF binding proteins (IGFBP) and several low-affinity binding proteins referred to as IGFBP related proteins (IGFBP-rP). All IGFBP superfamily members are cysteine-rich proteins with conserved cysteine residues, which are clustered in the amino- and carboxy-terminal thirds of the molecule. IGFBPs modulate the biological activities of IGF proteins. Some IGFBPs may also have intrinsic bioactivity that is independent of their ability to bind IGF proteins. Post-translational modifications of IGFBP, including glycosylation, phosphorylation and proteolysis, have been shown to modify the affinities of the binding proteins to IGF.

Anti-Human IGF-BP5 Antibody

102-P232 100 µg
EUR 245.7
Description: The superfamily of insulin-like growth factor (IGF) binding proteins include the six high-affinity IGF binding proteins (IGFBP) and several low-affinity binding proteins referred to as IGFBP related proteins (IGFBP-rP). All IGFBP superfamily members are cysteine-rich proteins with conserved cysteine residues, which are clustered in the amino- and carboxy-terminal thirds of the molecule. IGFBPs modulate the biological activities of IGF proteins. Some IGFBPs may also have intrinsic bioactivity that is independent of their ability to bind IGF proteins. Post-translational modifications of IGFBP, including glycosylation, phosphorylation and proteolysis, have been shown to modify the affinities of the binding proteins to IGF.

Anti-Human IGF-BP7 Antibody

102-P233 100 µg
EUR 245.7
Description: The superfamily of insulin-like growth factor (IGF) binding proteins include the six high-affinity IGF binding proteins (IGFBP) and several low-affinity binding proteins referred to as IGFBP related proteins (IGFBP-rP). All IGFBP superfamily members are cysteine-rich proteins with conserved cysteine residues, which are clustered in the amino- and carboxy-terminal thirds of the molecule. IGFBPs modulate the biological activities of IGF proteins. Some IGFBPs may also have intrinsic bioactivity that is independent of their ability to bind IGF proteins. Post-translational modifications of IGFBP, including glycosylation, phosphorylation and proteolysis, have been shown to modify the affinities of the binding proteins to IGF.

Anti-Human IGF-BP1 Antibody

101-M457 100 µg
EUR 399
Description: The superfamily of insulin-like growth factor (IGF) binding proteins include the six high-affinity IGF binding proteins (IGFBP) and several low-affinity binding proteins referred to as IGFBP related proteins (IGFBP-rP). All IGFBP superfamily members are cysteine-rich proteins with conserved cysteine residues, which are clustered in the amino- and carboxy-terminal thirds of the molecule. IGFBPs modulate the biological activities of IGF proteins. Some IGFBPs may also have intrinsic bioactivity that is independent of their ability to bind IGF proteins. Post-translational modifications of IGFBP, including glycosylation, phosphorylation and proteolysis, have been shown to modify the affinities of the binding proteins to IGF.

Anti-Human IGF-BP2 Antibody

101-M458 100 µg
EUR 399
Description: The superfamily of insulin-like growth factor (IGF) binding proteins include the six high-affinity IGF binding proteins (IGFBP) and several low-affinity binding proteins referred to as IGFBP related proteins (IGFBP-rP). All IGFBP superfamily members are cysteine-rich proteins with conserved cysteine residues, which are clustered in the amino- and carboxy-terminal thirds of the molecule. IGFBPs modulate the biological activities of IGF proteins. Some IGFBPs may also have intrinsic bioactivity that is independent of their ability to bind IGF proteins. Post-translational modifications of IGFBP, including glycosylation, phosphorylation and proteolysis, have been shown to modify the affinities of the binding proteins to IGF.

Anti-Human IGF-BP3 Antibody

101-M459 100 µg
EUR 399
Description: The superfamily of insulin-like growth factor (IGF) binding proteins include the six high-affinity IGF binding proteins (IGFBP) and several low-affinity binding proteins referred to as IGFBP related proteins (IGFBP-rP). All IGFBP superfamily members are cysteine-rich proteins with conserved cysteine residues, which are clustered in the amino- and carboxy-terminal thirds of the molecule. IGFBPs modulate the biological activities of IGF proteins. Some IGFBPs may also have intrinsic bioactivity that is independent of their ability to bind IGF proteins. Post-translational modifications of IGFBP, including glycosylation, phosphorylation and proteolysis, have been shown to modify the affinities of the binding proteins to IGF.

Anti-Human IGF-BP5 Antibody

101-M461 100 µg
EUR 399
Description: The superfamily of insulin-like growth factor (IGF) binding proteins include the six high-affinity IGF binding proteins (IGFBP) and several low-affinity binding proteins referred to as IGFBP related proteins (IGFBP-rP). All IGFBP superfamily members are cysteine-rich proteins with conserved cysteine residues, which are clustered in the amino- and carboxy-terminal thirds of the molecule. IGFBPs modulate the biological activities of IGF proteins. Some IGFBPs may also have intrinsic bioactivity that is independent of their ability to bind IGF proteins. Post-translational modifications of IGFBP, including glycosylation, phosphorylation and proteolysis, have been shown to modify the affinities of the binding proteins to IGF.

Anti-Human IGF-BP6 Antibody

101-M462 100 µg
EUR 399
Description: The superfamily of insulin-like growth factor (IGF) binding proteins include the six high-affinity IGF binding proteins (IGFBP) and several low-affinity binding proteins referred to as IGFBP related proteins (IGFBP-rP). All IGFBP superfamily members are cysteine-rich proteins with conserved cysteine residues, which are clustered in the amino- and carboxy-terminal thirds of the molecule. IGFBPs modulate the biological activities of IGF proteins. Some IGFBPs may also have intrinsic bioactivity that is independent of their ability to bind IGF proteins. Post-translational modifications of IGFBP, including glycosylation, phosphorylation and proteolysis, have been shown to modify the affinities of the binding proteins to IGF.

Anti-Human IGF-BP7 Antibody

101-M463 100 µg
EUR 399
Description: The superfamily of insulin-like growth factor (IGF) binding proteins include the six high-affinity IGF binding proteins (IGFBP) and several low-affinity binding proteins referred to as IGFBP related proteins (IGFBP-rP). All IGFBP superfamily members are cysteine-rich proteins with conserved cysteine residues, which are clustered in the amino- and carboxy-terminal thirds of the molecule. IGFBPs modulate the biological activities of IGF proteins. Some IGFBPs may also have intrinsic bioactivity that is independent of their ability to bind IGF proteins. Post-translational modifications of IGFBP, including glycosylation, phosphorylation and proteolysis, have been shown to modify the affinities of the binding proteins to IGF.

Rabbit Anti Human RIPK1 Monoclonal Clone IGF-18

EUR 496
Description: Rabbit Anti Human RIPK1 Monoclonal Clone IGF-18

Anti-Human IGF-1 Antibody

102-P28 100 µg
EUR 245.7
Description: Insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-I (also known as somatomedin C and somatomedin A) and IGF-II (multiplication stimulating activity or MSA) belong to the family of insulin-like growth factors that are structurally homologous to proinsulin. Mature IGF-I and IGF-II share approximately 70% sequence identity. Both IGF-I and IGF-II are expressed in many tissues and cell types and may have autocrine, paracrine and endocrine functions. Mature IGF-I and IGF-II are highly conserved between the human, bovine and porcine proteins (100% identity), and exhibit cross-species activity.

Anti-Human IGF-2 Antibody

102-P29 100 µg
EUR 245.7
Description: Insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-I (also known as somatomedin C and somatomedin A) and IGF-II (multiplication stimulating activity or MSA) belong to the family of insulin-like growth factors that are structurally homologous to proinsulin. Mature IGF-I and IGF-II share approximately 70% sequence identity. Both IGF-I and IGF-II are expressed in many tissues and cell types and may have autocrine, paracrine and endocrine functions. Mature IGF-I and IGF-II are highly conserved between the human, bovine and porcine proteins (100% identity), and exhibit cross-species activity.

Anti-Human IGF-1 Antibody

101-M454 100 µg
EUR 399
Description: Insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-I (also known as somatomedin C and somatomedin A) and IGF-II (multiplication stimulating activity or MSA) belong to the family of insulin-like growth factors that are structurally homologous to proinsulin. Mature IGF-I and IGF-II share approximately 70% sequence identity. Both IGF-I and IGF-II are expressed in many tissues and cell types and may have autocrine, paracrine and endocrine functions. Mature IGF-I and IGF-II are highly conserved between the human, bovine and porcine proteins (100% identity), and exhibit cross-species activity.

Anti-Human IGF-2 Antibody

101-M456 100 µg
EUR 399
Description: Insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-I (also known as somatomedin C and somatomedin A) and IGF-II (multiplication stimulating activity or MSA) belong to the family of insulin-like growth factors that are structurally homologous to proinsulin. Mature IGF-I and IGF-II share approximately 70% sequence identity. Both IGF-I and IGF-II are expressed in many tissues and cell types and may have autocrine, paracrine and endocrine functions. Mature IGF-I and IGF-II are highly conserved between the human, bovine and porcine proteins (100% identity), and exhibit cross-species activity.

IGF-BP3, Human

HY-P7020 10ug
EUR 280.8

IGF-BP5, Human

HY-P7021 50ug
EUR 721.2

IGF-BP3, human

RC216-12B3 5ug
EUR 125.26

IGF BP2 protein

30R-AI105 20 ug
EUR 312
Description: Purified recombinant Human IGF BP2 protein

IGF BP6 protein

30R-AI106 25 ug
EUR 357
Description: Purified recombinant Human IGF BP6 protein

IGF BP7 protein

30R-AI120 25 ug
EUR 312
Description: Purified recombinant Human IGF BP7 protein

IGF BP1 protein

30R-AI121 25 ug
EUR 312
Description: Purified recombinant Human IGF BP1 protein

IGF BP3 protein

30R-AI122 25 ug
EUR 312
Description: Purified recombinant Human IGF BP3 protein

IGF BP5 protein

30R-AI124 25 ug
EUR 312
Description: Purified recombinant Human IGF BP5 protein

IGF-1, Human

HY-P7018 10ug
EUR 129.6

IGF-2, Human

HY-P7019 100ug
EUR 432

IGF-1, human

RC216-12 1mg
EUR 451.5

Antibody for Human IGF-1

SPC-699D-A565 0.1mg
EUR 480
Description: A polyclonal antibody for IGF-1 from Human | Mouse. The antibody is produced in rabbit after immunization with human synthetic peptide from the mid-protein of Human IGF-1. The Antibody is tested and validated for WB, ICC/IF, IHC assays with the following recommended dilutions: WB (1:1000); ICC/IF (1:100); IHC (1:50). This IGF-1 antibody is conjugated to ATTO 565.

Antibody for Human IGF-1

SPC-699D-A633 0.1mg
EUR 480
Description: A polyclonal antibody for IGF-1 from Human | Mouse. The antibody is produced in rabbit after immunization with human synthetic peptide from the mid-protein of Human IGF-1. The Antibody is tested and validated for WB, ICC/IF, IHC assays with the following recommended dilutions: WB (1:1000); ICC/IF (1:100); IHC (1:50). This IGF-1 antibody is conjugated to ATTO 633.

Antibody for Human IGF-1

SPC-699D-A655 0.1mg
EUR 480
Description: A polyclonal antibody for IGF-1 from Human | Mouse. The antibody is produced in rabbit after immunization with human synthetic peptide from the mid-protein of Human IGF-1. The Antibody is tested and validated for WB, ICC/IF, IHC assays with the following recommended dilutions: WB (1:1000); ICC/IF (1:100); IHC (1:50). This IGF-1 antibody is conjugated to ATTO 655.

Antibody for Human IGF-1

SPC-699D-A680 0.1mg
EUR 480
Description: A polyclonal antibody for IGF-1 from Human | Mouse. The antibody is produced in rabbit after immunization with human synthetic peptide from the mid-protein of Human IGF-1. The Antibody is tested and validated for WB, ICC/IF, IHC assays with the following recommended dilutions: WB (1:1000); ICC/IF (1:100); IHC (1:50). This IGF-1 antibody is conjugated to ATTO 680.

Antibody for Human IGF-1

SPC-699D-A700 0.1mg
EUR 480
Description: A polyclonal antibody for IGF-1 from Human | Mouse. The antibody is produced in rabbit after immunization with human synthetic peptide from the mid-protein of Human IGF-1. The Antibody is tested and validated for WB, ICC/IF, IHC assays with the following recommended dilutions: WB (1:1000); ICC/IF (1:100); IHC (1:50). This IGF-1 antibody is conjugated to ATTO 700.

Antibody for Human IGF-1

SPC-699D-APCCY7 0.1mg
EUR 565.2
Description: A polyclonal antibody for IGF-1 from Human | Mouse. The antibody is produced in rabbit after immunization with human synthetic peptide from the mid-protein of Human IGF-1. The Antibody is tested and validated for WB, ICC/IF, IHC assays with the following recommended dilutions: WB (1:1000); ICC/IF (1:100); IHC (1:50). This IGF-1 antibody is conjugated to APC/Cy7.

Antibody for Human IGF-1

SPC-699D-DY350 0.1mg
EUR 496.8
Description: A polyclonal antibody for IGF-1 from Human | Mouse. The antibody is produced in rabbit after immunization with human synthetic peptide from the mid-protein of Human IGF-1. The Antibody is tested and validated for WB, ICC/IF, IHC assays with the following recommended dilutions: WB (1:1000); ICC/IF (1:100); IHC (1:50). This IGF-1 antibody is conjugated to Dylight 350.

Antibody for Human IGF-1

SPC-699D-DY405 0.1mg
EUR 483.6
Description: A polyclonal antibody for IGF-1 from Human | Mouse. The antibody is produced in rabbit after immunization with human synthetic peptide from the mid-protein of Human IGF-1. The Antibody is tested and validated for WB, ICC/IF, IHC assays with the following recommended dilutions: WB (1:1000); ICC/IF (1:100); IHC (1:50). This IGF-1 antibody is conjugated to Dylight 405.

Antibody for Human IGF-1

SPC-699D-DY488 0.1mg
EUR 471.6
Description: A polyclonal antibody for IGF-1 from Human | Mouse. The antibody is produced in rabbit after immunization with human synthetic peptide from the mid-protein of Human IGF-1. The Antibody is tested and validated for WB, ICC/IF, IHC assays with the following recommended dilutions: WB (1:1000); ICC/IF (1:100); IHC (1:50). This IGF-1 antibody is conjugated to Dylight 488.

Antibody for Human IGF-1

SPC-699D-DY594 0.1mg
EUR 474
Description: A polyclonal antibody for IGF-1 from Human | Mouse. The antibody is produced in rabbit after immunization with human synthetic peptide from the mid-protein of Human IGF-1. The Antibody is tested and validated for WB, ICC/IF, IHC assays with the following recommended dilutions: WB (1:1000); ICC/IF (1:100); IHC (1:50). This IGF-1 antibody is conjugated to Dylight 594.

Antibody for Human IGF-1

SPC-699D-DY633 0.1mg
EUR 468
Description: A polyclonal antibody for IGF-1 from Human | Mouse. The antibody is produced in rabbit after immunization with human synthetic peptide from the mid-protein of Human IGF-1. The Antibody is tested and validated for WB, ICC/IF, IHC assays with the following recommended dilutions: WB (1:1000); ICC/IF (1:100); IHC (1:50). This IGF-1 antibody is conjugated to Dylight 633.

Antibody for Human IGF-1

SPC-699D-P594 0.1mg
EUR 488.4
Description: A polyclonal antibody for IGF-1 from Human | Mouse. The antibody is produced in rabbit after immunization with human synthetic peptide from the mid-protein of Human IGF-1. The Antibody is tested and validated for WB, ICC/IF, IHC assays with the following recommended dilutions: WB (1:1000); ICC/IF (1:100); IHC (1:50). This IGF-1 antibody is conjugated to PE/ATTO 594.

Antibody for Human IGF-1

SPC-699D-STR 0.1mg
EUR 477.6
Description: A polyclonal antibody for IGF-1 from Human | Mouse. The antibody is produced in rabbit after immunization with human synthetic peptide from the mid-protein of Human IGF-1. The Antibody is tested and validated for WB, ICC/IF, IHC assays with the following recommended dilutions: WB (1:1000); ICC/IF (1:100); IHC (1:50). This IGF-1 antibody is conjugated to Streptavidin.

Human IGF-I

GWB-4FCE40 0.1 mg Ask for price

Human Salivary IGF(salivary IGF) ELISA Kit

QY-E05383 96T
EUR 433.2

Human IGF-I / IGF-II Panel, Antigen Standard: Pre-Mixed

SMX470 2 Plex
EUR 150

IGF-I, Human

E34M113H 20 μg
EUR 155
Description: Recombinant Human Cytotoxic T-lymphocyte Protein 4 is produced by our Mammalian expression system and the target gene encoding Lys36-Asp161 is expressed with a Flag tag at the C-terminus.

PE anti-human CD221 (IGF-1R)

E16FHP221-025 25 tests
EUR 476.67
Description: Available in various conjugation types.

PE anti-human CD221 (IGF-1R)

E16FHP221-100 100 tests
EUR 1083.33
Description: Available in various conjugation types.

IGF-II, Human

E34M114H 5 μg
EUR 155

Anti-Human IGF-1 Receptor Antibody

101-M455 100 µg
EUR 399
Description: IGF-I receptor is a disulfide-linked heterotetrameric transmembrane protein consisting of two alpha and two beta subunits. Both the alpha and beta subunits are encoded within a single receptor precursor cDNA. The proreceptor polypeptide is proteolytically cleaved and disulfide-linked to yield the mature heterotetrameric receptor. The alpha subunit of IGF-I receptor is extracellular while the beta subunit has an extracellular domain, a transmembrane domain and a cytoplasmic tyrosine kinase domain. The IGF-I receptor is highly expressed in all cell types and tissues.

Purified anti-human CD221 (IGF-1R)

E16FHU221-100U 100 μg
EUR 520
Description: Available in various conjugation types.

Human IGF-1 LR3

SP-89927-100 100 ug
EUR 270

Rabbit Anti-Human IGF-1 Polyclonal

SPC-699D 0.1mg
EUR 331
Description: A polyclonal antibody for IGF-1 from Human | Mouse. The antibody is produced in rabbit after immunization with human synthetic peptide from the mid-protein of Human IGF-1. The Antibody is tested and validated for WB, ICC/IF, IHC assays with the following recommended dilutions: WB (1:1000); ICC/IF (1:100); IHC (1:50). This IGF-1 antibody is unconjugated.

Rabbit Anti-Human IGF-1 Polyclonal

SPC-699D-A390 0.1mg
EUR 385
Description: A polyclonal antibody for IGF-1 from Human | Mouse. The antibody is produced in rabbit after immunization with human synthetic peptide from the mid-protein of Human IGF-1. The Antibody is tested and validated for WB, ICC/IF, IHC assays with the following recommended dilutions: WB (1:1000); ICC/IF (1:100); IHC (1:50). This IGF-1 antibody is conjugated to ATTO 390.

Rabbit Anti-Human IGF-1 Polyclonal

SPC-699D-A488 0.1mg
EUR 384
Description: A polyclonal antibody for IGF-1 from Human | Mouse. The antibody is produced in rabbit after immunization with human synthetic peptide from the mid-protein of Human IGF-1. The Antibody is tested and validated for WB, ICC/IF, IHC assays with the following recommended dilutions: WB (1:1000); ICC/IF (1:100); IHC (1:50). This IGF-1 antibody is conjugated to ATTO 488.

Rabbit Anti-Human IGF-1 Polyclonal

SPC-699D-A594 0.1mg
EUR 384
Description: A polyclonal antibody for IGF-1 from Human | Mouse. The antibody is produced in rabbit after immunization with human synthetic peptide from the mid-protein of Human IGF-1. The Antibody is tested and validated for WB, ICC/IF, IHC assays with the following recommended dilutions: WB (1:1000); ICC/IF (1:100); IHC (1:50). This IGF-1 antibody is conjugated to ATTO 594.

Rabbit Anti-Human IGF-1 Polyclonal

SPC-699D-ALP 0.1mg
EUR 377
Description: A polyclonal antibody for IGF-1 from Human | Mouse. The antibody is produced in rabbit after immunization with human synthetic peptide from the mid-protein of Human IGF-1. The Antibody is tested and validated for WB, ICC/IF, IHC assays with the following recommended dilutions: WB (1:1000); ICC/IF (1:100); IHC (1:50). This IGF-1 antibody is conjugated to Alkaline Phosphatase.

Rabbit Anti-Human IGF-1 Polyclonal

SPC-699D-APC 0.1mg
EUR 383
Description: A polyclonal antibody for IGF-1 from Human | Mouse. The antibody is produced in rabbit after immunization with human synthetic peptide from the mid-protein of Human IGF-1. The Antibody is tested and validated for WB, ICC/IF, IHC assays with the following recommended dilutions: WB (1:1000); ICC/IF (1:100); IHC (1:50). This IGF-1 antibody is conjugated to APC .

Rabbit Anti-Human IGF-1 Polyclonal

SPC-699D-BI 0.1mg
EUR 380
Description: A polyclonal antibody for IGF-1 from Human | Mouse. The antibody is produced in rabbit after immunization with human synthetic peptide from the mid-protein of Human IGF-1. The Antibody is tested and validated for WB, ICC/IF, IHC assays with the following recommended dilutions: WB (1:1000); ICC/IF (1:100); IHC (1:50). This IGF-1 antibody is conjugated to Biotin.

Rabbit Anti-Human IGF-1 Polyclonal

SPC-699D-FITC 0.1mg
EUR 375
Description: A polyclonal antibody for IGF-1 from Human | Mouse. The antibody is produced in rabbit after immunization with human synthetic peptide from the mid-protein of Human IGF-1. The Antibody is tested and validated for WB, ICC/IF, IHC assays with the following recommended dilutions: WB (1:1000); ICC/IF (1:100); IHC (1:50). This IGF-1 antibody is conjugated to FITC.

Rabbit Anti-Human IGF-1 Polyclonal

SPC-699D-HRP 0.1mg
EUR 371
Description: A polyclonal antibody for IGF-1 from Human | Mouse. The antibody is produced in rabbit after immunization with human synthetic peptide from the mid-protein of Human IGF-1. The Antibody is tested and validated for WB, ICC/IF, IHC assays with the following recommended dilutions: WB (1:1000); ICC/IF (1:100); IHC (1:50). This IGF-1 antibody is conjugated to HRP.

Rabbit Anti-Human IGF-1 Polyclonal

SPC-699D-PCP 0.1mg
EUR 383
Description: A polyclonal antibody for IGF-1 from Human | Mouse. The antibody is produced in rabbit after immunization with human synthetic peptide from the mid-protein of Human IGF-1. The Antibody is tested and validated for WB, ICC/IF, IHC assays with the following recommended dilutions: WB (1:1000); ICC/IF (1:100); IHC (1:50). This IGF-1 antibody is conjugated to PerCP.

Rabbit Anti-Human IGF-1 Polyclonal

SPC-699D-RPE 0.1mg
EUR 381
Description: A polyclonal antibody for IGF-1 from Human | Mouse. The antibody is produced in rabbit after immunization with human synthetic peptide from the mid-protein of Human IGF-1. The Antibody is tested and validated for WB, ICC/IF, IHC assays with the following recommended dilutions: WB (1:1000); ICC/IF (1:100); IHC (1:50). This IGF-1 antibody is conjugated to RPE .

Rabbit Anti-Human IGF-1 Polyclonal

SPC-699S 0.012mg
EUR 44
Description: A polyclonal antibody for IGF-1 from Human | Mouse. The antibody is produced in rabbit after immunization with human synthetic peptide from the mid-protein of Human IGF-1. The Antibody is tested and validated for WB, ICC/IF, IHC assays with the following recommended dilutions: WB (1:1000); ICC/IF (1:100); IHC (1:50). This IGF-1 antibody is unconjugated.


TBS3251 1x96-well plate
EUR 450
Description: Cell culture Supernate, Plasma/Serum IGF-1

Recombinant Human IGF-1

HEGFP-0901 100ug Ask for price

Recombinant Human IGF-2

HEGFP-0908 10ug Ask for price

IGF-BP1, human recombinant

4717-100 each
EUR 744

IGF-BP1, human recombinant

4717-1000 each
EUR 3778.8

IGF-BP1, human recombinant

4717-25 each
EUR 307.2

IGF-BP3, human recombinant

4720-100 each
EUR 744

IGF-BP3, human recombinant

4720-1000 each
EUR 3778.8

IGF-BP3, human recombinant

4720-25 each
EUR 307.2

IGF-BP5, human recombinant

4723-100 each
EUR 744

IGF-BP5, human recombinant

4723-1000 each
EUR 3778.8

IGF-BP5, human recombinant

4723-25 each
EUR 307.2

IGF-BP2, human recombinant

7165-10 each
EUR 301.2

IGF-BP2, human recombinant

7165-50 each
EUR 1123.2

IGF-BP7, human recombinant

7167-10 each
EUR 248.4

IGF-BP7, human recombinant

7167-50 each
EUR 810

IGF-BP6, human recombinant

7350-20 each
EUR 444

Anti-Mouse IGF-BP1 Antibody

103-M235 100 µg
EUR 399
Description: The superfamily of insulin-like growth factor (IGF) binding proteins include the six high-affinity IGF binding proteins (IGFBP) and several low-affinity binding proteins referred to as IGFBP related proteins (IGFBP-rP). All IGFBP superfamily members are cysteine-rich proteins with conserved cysteine residues, which are clustered in the amino- and carboxy-terminal thirds of the molecule. IGFBPs modulate the biological activities of IGF proteins. Some IGFBPs may also have intrinsic bioactivity that is independent of their ability to bind IGF proteins. Post-translational modifications of IGFBP, including glycosylation, phosphorylation and proteolysis, have been shown to modify the affinities of the binding proteins to IGF.

Anti-Mouse IGF-BP2 Antibody

103-M236 100 µg
EUR 399
Description: The superfamily of insulin-like growth factor (IGF) binding proteins include the six high-affinity IGF binding proteins (IGFBP) and several low-affinity binding proteins referred to as IGFBP related proteins (IGFBP-rP). All IGFBP superfamily members are cysteine-rich proteins with conserved cysteine residues, which are clustered in the amino- and carboxy-terminal thirds of the molecule. IGFBPs modulate the biological activities of IGF proteins. Some IGFBPs may also have intrinsic bioactivity that is independent of their ability to bind IGF proteins. Post-translational modifications of IGFBP, including glycosylation, phosphorylation and proteolysis, have been shown to modify the affinities of the binding proteins to IGF.

Anti-Mouse IGF-BP3 Antibody

103-M237 100 µg
EUR 399
Description: The superfamily of insulin-like growth factor (IGF) binding proteins include the six high-affinity IGF binding proteins (IGFBP) and several low-affinity binding proteins referred to as IGFBP related proteins (IGFBP-rP). All IGFBP superfamily members are cysteine-rich proteins with conserved cysteine residues, which are clustered in the amino- and carboxy-terminal thirds of the molecule. IGFBPs modulate the biological activities of IGF proteins. Some IGFBPs may also have intrinsic bioactivity that is independent of their ability to bind IGF proteins. Post-translational modifications of IGFBP, including glycosylation, phosphorylation and proteolysis, have been shown to modify the affinities of the binding proteins to IGF.

Anti-Mouse IGF-BP5 Antibody

103-M238 100 µg
EUR 399
Description: IGFBP5 is expressed by fibroblasts, myoblasts and osteoblasts, making it the predominant IGFBP found in bone extracts. IGFBP5 has a strong affinity for hydroxyapatite, allowing it to bind to bone cells. When bound to extracelluar matrix, IGFBP5 is protected from proteolysis and potentiates IGF activity, but when it is soluble, IGFBP5 is cleaved to a biologically inactive 21 kDa fragment. Mouse, human and rat IGFBP5 share 97% identity.

Anti-Mouse IGF-BP6 Antibody

103-M239 100 µg
EUR 399
Description: The superfamily of insulin-like growth factor (IGF) binding proteins include the six high-affinity IGF binding proteins (IGFBP) and several low-affinity binding proteins referred to as IGFBP related proteins (IGFBP-rP). All IGFBP superfamily members are cysteine-rich proteins with conserved cysteine residues, which are clustered in the amino- and carboxy-terminal thirds of the molecule. IGFBPs modulate the biological activities of IGF proteins. Some IGFBPs may also have intrinsic bioactivity that is independent of their ability to bind IGF proteins. Post-translational modifications of IGFBP, including glycosylation, phosphorylation and proteolysis, have been shown to modify the affinities of the binding proteins to IGF.

Anti-Mouse IGF-BP7 Antibody

103-M24 100 µg
EUR 399
Description: The superfamily of insulin-like growth factor (IGF) binding proteins include the six high-affinity IGF binding proteins (IGFBP) and several low-affinity binding proteins referred to as IGFBP related proteins (IGFBP-rP). All IGFBP superfamily members are cysteine-rich proteins with conserved cysteine residues, which are clustered in the amino- and carboxy-terminal thirds of the molecule. IGFBPs modulate the biological activities of IGF proteins. Some IGFBPs may also have intrinsic bioactivity that is independent of their ability to bind IGF proteins. Post-translational modifications of IGFBP, including glycosylation, phosphorylation and proteolysis, have been shown to modify the affinities of the binding proteins to IGF.

Anti-Human IGF-II R Antibody

101-M775 100 µg
EUR 399
Description: The insulin-like growth factor 2 receptor (IGF2R) is a large (~2500 amino acid) transmembrane glycoprotein that has been highly conserved in all vertebrates. It is also known as the cation-independent mannose 6-phosphate receptor (CI-MPR) because of its affinity for mannose 6-phosphate (M6P)-containing glycoproteins.

Human IGF-I monoclonal antibody

MAM1 500 µg
EUR 358.8

Human IGF-I monoclonal antibody

MAMU100 100 µg
EUR 238

Human IGF-I monoclonal antibody

MAMU200 200 µg
EUR 318

IGF-1, human recombinant

P1016-.02 20 µg
EUR 309.6
Description: Insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-1) is a polypeptide endocrine hormone structurally similar to insulin and is mainly produced in the liver when stimulated by growth hormone. IGF-1 is a growth factor that stimulates the proliferation of various cell types including muscle, bone, and cartilage tissue

IGF-1, human recombinant

P1016-.1 100 µg
EUR 598
Description: IGF-1, endocrine hormone, expressed in E.Coli, cross-species reactivity.

Anti-Human IGF-BP1 Rabbit Polyclonal Antibody

TA328351 100 µg Ask for price

Anti-Human IGF-BP3 Rabbit Polyclonal Antibody

TA328352 100 µg Ask for price

Anti-Human IGF-BP5 Rabbit Polyclonal Antibody

TA328353 100 µg Ask for price

Anti-Human IGF-BP7 Rabbit Polyclonal Antibody

TA328355 100 µg Ask for price

Anti-Rat IGF-1 Antibody

5121-100 each
EUR 379.2

Anti-Rat IGF-1 Antibody

5121-30T each
EUR 175.2

Anti-Mouse IGF-1 Antibody

103-M240 100 µg
EUR 399
Description: Insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-I (also known as somatomedin C and somatomedin A) and IGF-II (multiplication stimulating activity or MSA) belong to the family of insulin-like growth factors that are structurally homologous to proinsulin. Mature IGF-I and IGF-II share approximately 70% sequence identity. Both IGF-I and IGF-II are expressed in many tissues and cell types and may have autocrine, paracrine and endocrine functions. Mature IGF-I and IGF-II are highly conserved between the human, bovine and porcine proteins (100% identity), and exhibit cross-species activity.

Anti-Mouse IGF-2 Antibody

103-M241 100 µg
EUR 399
Description: Insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-I (also known as somatomedin C and somatomedin A) and IGF-II (multiplication stimulating activity or MSA) belong to the family of insulin-like growth factors that are structurally homologous to proinsulin. Mature IGF-I and IGF-II share approximately 70% sequence identity. Both IGF-I and IGF-II are expressed in many tissues and cell types and may have autocrine, paracrine and endocrine functions. Mature IGF-I and IGF-II are highly conserved between the human, bovine and porcine proteins (100% identity), and exhibit cross-species activity.

Anti-Mouse IGF-1 Antibody

103-P08G 100 µg
EUR 245.7
Description: Insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-I (also known as somatomedin C and somatomedin A) and IGF-II (multiplication stimulating activity or MSA) belong to the family of insulin-like growth factors that are structurally homologous to proinsulin. Mature IGF-I and IGF-II share approximately 70% sequence identity. Both IGF-I and IGF-II are expressed in many tissues and cell types and may have autocrine, paracrine and endocrine functions. Mature IGF-I and IGF-II are highly conserved between the human, bovine and porcine proteins (100% identity), and exhibit cross-species activity.

Mouse Monoclonal anti-human IGF-I

hAP-0347 100ug
EUR 250

Sheep Polyclonal anti-Human IGF-I

hAP-5964 50ug
EUR 400

Zapalenie skórno-mięśniowe z dodatnim przeciwciałem anty-MDA5 z szybko postępującą śródmiąższową chorobą płuc: opis dwóch przypadków

Ar melanomas diferenciāciju saistītais proteīns 5 (MDA5) antivielu pozitīvais dermatomiozīts (DM) parāda unikālas ādas un patoloģiskās iezīmes. Mēs aprakstām divus ar miozītu saistītas ātri progresējošas intersticiālas plaušu slimības (RP-ILD) gadījumus.

Pacientes bija divas sievietes no Keralas, Indijā. Abiem pacientiem bija anti-MDA5 antivielu pozitīvs miozīts. Abiem pacientiem bija RP-ILD bez jebkādām miozīta klīniskām pazīmēm un viņi pakļāvās savai slimībai, neraugoties uz agresīvu ārstēšanu. Anti-MDA5-antivielu pozitīvam DM raksturīga amiopātiska slimība ar strauji progresējošu un letālu ILD.

Przeciwciała przeciwko dekarboksylazie glutaminianowej w surowicy a zaburzenia neurologiczne: kiedy podejrzewać ich związek?

Mērķi: Izpētīt dažādas neiroloģiskas izpausmes ar aizdomām par saistību ar seruma glutamāta dekarboksilāzes antivielām (GAD-Abs), lai labāk raksturotu anti-GAD neiroloģiskos sindromus.

Metodes: Novērošanas retrospektīvais pētījums, kurā tika iekļauti visi pacienti, kuriem La Pazas Universitātes slimnīcas Neiroloģijas nodaļa laika posmā no 2015. līdz 2019. gadam pieprasīja GAD65-Abs titru serumā. GAD-Abs mērīja ar ELISA. Tika pētīti demogrāfiskie dati, neiroloģiskie simptomi, blakusslimības ar cukura diabētu (DM) vai citu autoimūno slimību un GAD-Abs titri. Stingras personas sindroms, ataksija, encefalīts un epilepsija tika uzskatīti par tipiskiem anti-GAD neiroloģiskiem sindromiem un tika salīdzināti ar citām netipiskām izpausmēm.

Rezultāti: Kopumā tika iekļauti 173 pacienti (51,7% vīriešu, vidējais vecums 51,62). Pēdējo 5 gadu laikā pakāpeniski palielinājās seruma GAD-Abs pieprasījumu skaits, īpaši pacientiem ar netipiskām neiroloģiskām izpausmēm. GAD-Abs tika konstatēti 22 pacientu serumā (12,7%); no tiem 15 (68,18%) cieta tipisku anti-GAD sindromu.

DM vai citas orgānspecifiskas autoimūnas slimības klātbūtne paredzēja GAD-AB seropozitivitāti (p <0,001). 6,6% no pieprasītajiem pacientiem ar netipisku sindromu bija GAD-Abs, guess seruma līmenis bija ievērojami zemāks nekā konstatēts pacientiem ar tipisku sindromu (706,67 vs 1430,23 UI / ml; Mann-Whitney U, p = 0,034), un beidzot diagnosticēta cita neiroloģiska slimība.

Secinājums: serumā GAD-Abs reti tika konstatēti pacienti ar klīniskiem fenotipiem, izņemot tos, kas klasiski aprakstīti kā anti-GAD traucējumi, un ar ļoti zemu titru. Tipiskos anti-GAD sindromos ir augsta saslimstība ar DM un citām autoimūnām slimībām, un parasti ir augsts GAD-Abs līmenis serumā.

Podwójne dodatnie wyniki przeciwciał przeciwko β 2 -glikoproteinie I domenie I i przeciw fosfatydyloserynie / protrombinie wzmacniają zarówno zakrzepicę, jak i dodatni wynik przeciwciał anty-ADAMTS

Lai gan ar iegūto trombotisko trombocitopēnisko purpuru (TTP) rodas daži antifosfolipīdu sindromi (APS), saistība starp antifosfolipīdu antivielām (aPL) un anti-ADAMTS13 (anti-a dezintegrīnu un metalloproteāzi ar 1. tipa trombospondīna motīvu, 13. loceklis) paliek nenoteikta.

Mēs pētījām saikni starp augsta riska trombotisko aPL un anti-ADAMTS13 antivielām. Tika iekļauti divi simti trīsdesmit septiņi pacienti ar pozitīvu vilkēdes antikoagulantu un / vai antikardiolipīna antivielu. Tika izmērīti anti-β2GPI (anti-β2-glikoproteīns I), anti-β2GPIdI (anti-β2-glikoproteīna I domēns I), anti-PS / PT (antifosfatidilserīns un protrombīns), ADAMTS13 aktivitāte un anti-ADAMTS13 antiviela.

Divkārša anti-β2GPI un anti-PS / PT pozitivitāte palielināja trombozes risku vairāk nekā trīs reizes un parādīja paaugstinātu anti-ADAMTS13 antivielu pozitivitāti, salīdzinot ar dubultnegatīvo grupu.

Dubultā pozitīvā anti-β2GPIdI un anti-PS / PT parādīja abus efektus vēl vairāk. Lineārajā regresijas analīzē anti-β2GPI un anti-PS / PT dubultā pozitivitāte neatkarīgi ietekmēja antivielu līmeni anti-ADAMTS13 (β = 1,982, P = 0,042).

Mūsu rezultāti atklāja, ka anti-β2GPI vai anti-β2GPIdI un anti-PS / PT dubultā pozitivitāte palielināja ne tikai trombotisko risku, guess arī anti-ADAMTS13 antivielu pozitivitāti, īpaši norādot, ka anti-β2GPIdI parādīja augstāku sinerģisko efektu ar anti-PS / PT.

Mēs iesakām iespējamu anti-ADAMTS13 antivielu saistību ar augstu APS trombotisko risku.

Anti-β2GPI (anti-β2-glikoproteīns I) un anti-PS / PT (anti-fosfatidilserīns un protrombīns) antivielu dubultā pozitivitāte palielināja ne tikai trombotisko risku, guess arī anti-ADAMTS13 (anti-dezintegrīna un metaloproteāzes ar trombospondīna tipa) pozitivitāti 1 motīvs, loceklis 13) antivielas.

Turklāt anti-β2GPIdI (anti-β2-glikoproteīna I domēns I) dubultā pozitivitāte kombinācijā ar anti-PS / PT vēl vairāk paaugstināja gan trombozi, gan anti-ADAMTS13 antivielu pozitivitāti. Tika konstatēts, ka dubultā pozitivitāte β2GPI un anti-PS / PT kā neatkarīgi nozīmīgs faktors anti-ADAMTS13 antivielu līmeņa paaugstināšanai. Mēs iesakām saistību starp anti-ADAMTS13 antivielām un antifosfolipīdu sindroma patofizioloģiju, kas būtu tālāk jāizvērtē.

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